Tuesday 19 November 2013


A friend asked today what the biggest challenge in yoga I've had so far. It got me thinking -- what WAS the biggest challenge? Laying in savasana gently reminding myself to return to my breath when I start making tomorrows grocery list? Getting through an entire flow when my triceps are on fire because of a million chaturanga's? Balancing in tree when holding my drishti seems as easy as scaling the Empire State building ? Balancing hit a cord with me, but it wasn't anything to do with tree. Or in crow, or in airplane, or any particular yoga pose for that matter. It was the balance that I lack in life right now. Or at least that I FEEL like I lack in life right now. As the mother of a very active four and a half year old that works an emotionally demanding job while trying to nurture a intimate relationship and still time find, energy and love for friends and family, I find fitting my yoga practice into my life nearly impossible. And that, quite frankly, scares me. Not only because my teacher training is quickly approaching (although, that does freak me right OUT!!!!), but because I know that yoga is one of the things that keeps me sane, keeps me happy, and keeps me balanced. Then why do I find it so difficult to "fit it in"? So that's what I told Eryn. That was my answer to what my biggest challenge in yoga has been. It wasn't that I couldn't balance on my tri's in crow. It wasn't that I couldn't still my mind or that I couldn't stop comparing how my leg wouldn't reach as high as my neighbours in standing splits. My biggest obstacle of yoga is figuring out how to incorporate it into my already hectic life. Eryns answer was perfect:

"Oh…. but that's where you are SO mixed up!!! That IS the yoga, girl!! Not Tree Pose. Not the perfect backbend. It is JUST what you describe…. how you life your life. And I'm so happy that you're deepening your journey! It's been written in stone for some time"

See...it's perfect! Please check out her website if you get a chance. It's amazing. And so is she. http://erynsyoga.com/

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