Monday 4 November 2013


Nic and I have officially (and successful!) completed Day 1 of the juice fast. We started planning after watching Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead on Netflix (check it out if you haven't already or at least check out the trailer here) and have been super pumped since to start the reboot. There are a ton of benefits to juicing and we are hoping to just scratch the surface by starting with the 5 day plan.

We started the process by researching juicers. We decided on Jack LaLanne's power juicer, as it is affordable and had decent reviews. So far, so good! Theres tons of juicers out there though, so check them all and decide what you think would work best for you.

Next, we went through a picked out the recipes we thought we would enjoy the most. They all came from online resources like Juicer Recipes , Cali Green Mama, Etto Design as well as the Reboot With Joe site. I must admit, I'm afraid to post the pictures of our juices after seeing some of the other blogs photo's. A photographer I definitely am not. (Which is why I'll review them here instead)

Our breakfast juice is red, followed by a green lunch, red or orange snack, another green dinner and a purple dessert. A ton of water should accompany these, as well as some herbal teas to spice things up if boredom sets in. (No milk or sugar added!)

Todays menu looked like this:

Pre a.m. (first thing after waking up): Hot water with lemon
No picture because it sucked. Seriously. Lesson learned - take the rinds of lemons before throwing them in hot water. Way too bitter.


Watermelon Crush from the Reboot site. I surprisingly enjoyed this, considering it had basil in it. Nic, however, didn't like it at all. Ah well. You win some, you loose some (like dinner...we lost dinner. Literally. Keep reading).

1/2 watermelon
handful of basil
1 lime

Lunch was another Reboot recipe called Green Lemonade. Just for the record, it tasted NOTHING like lemonade:

6 kale leaves
3 handfuls spinach
1 green apple
1 cucumber
2 celery stalks
1 lemon

There's nothing you could have added to this to make it taste remotely like lemonade. It wasn't terrible though.

Next was Apple Crisp. It was, honestly, sooooooo delicious!!!! It came from the Juice Recipe website and was freaking tasty. Or at least I thought. Nic wasn't a big fan.

And then, came dinner. OH. MY. GAWD. When I say I "lost it", I literally mean I barfed. In the sink. My 4 year old thought it was hilarious but I, on the other hand, not so much. Now, in the reboots defence (that's where we found the recipe), maybe this was because Nic and I were basically shot gunning it from the mason jars. But in our defense, if it weren't so bad we wouldn't have had to!! (by the way, if you can convince someone to try out a detox or cleanse or reboot with you, the partner method is always best! If it weren't for Nic, I would have been into our kiddo's Halloween treats for SURE!).  Back to dinner. Here it is:

Its called Joe's Mean Green, and now I know why. Because it's mean to feed it to someone. Ok fine, Joe claims it's awesome. It probably is in terms of all the nutrients you'd get from it. But it tastes like hell in a jar.

6 kale leaves
1 cucumber
2 celery stalks
1 green apple
half a lemon 1" ginger root.

Lastly, we had our dessert juice. clarify, we made it but we were too full from the other juices to even drink it!! We couldn't believe it! Its called Purple Passion and sounds delicious. I think we may keep it for tomorrows dessert (juices should be consumed as soon after making them as possible, however leaving them up to 72 hours is fine. No longer though). Reviews to come!

So altogether, I would say Day 1 was a success. I mean, if you forget about puking in the sink. A ton of water was consumed, juices were, overall, kinda tasty, and both Nic and I noticed a huge surge in energy and a feeling of lightness. I find that after I eat I tend to feel a bit sleepy, or just lethargic at best I suppose, although today I was able to remain energetic the entire day. Awesome!!

Which was good, because look what we spent the night making for tomorrow!!

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