Tuesday 12 November 2013


Ok, so I was way too exhausted every day to keep up with the juice reviews. Which is, I'm sad to say, part of the reason it ended after day three. It honestly didn't take too much convincing to get Nic to enjoy Subway with me either, so at least I didn't feel like a total failure on my own. (As an fyi, neither Nic nor myself felt like failures. We were proud of ourselves and each other for making it through three juice days actually!). I think a five day cleanse may have been a bit too much for he and I both. Overall we enjoyed quite a few of the juices, with the exception of the green ones. They were just SO.DAMN.GROSS. Please please please leave comments below with tasty recipes for green juices if you know of any. We introduced solid foods rather quickly and I have noticed that a few leave me feeling not so hot now. I did notice a difference in bloating, in my skin and in my nails after a few short days though, so that was pretty rad. Crazy to think that food affects us just that much. So, on to the next adventure I suppose....

I've been thinking a lot lately about authenticity and being okay with not being a mainstream kinda chick. I have an idea in my head how I want to be as a person (32 years old next week and I'm STRILL trying to figure myself out!), but I'm struggling with a few things.

First: I really just want to be Me, and I think Me is kind of a paradox -- I want to teach yoga as my primary job but enjoy the structure of a 9-5 Mon-Fri. I want to eat whole foods that nourish and feed my body and soul, but be able to get stupid drunk sometimes. I want to continue blogging (so far I have 59 views of this page -- 58 of which are me checking it) but am afraid to actually post this in any social media format I frequent (read: fb). I want to stop eating/drinking from plastic, but not really because I worry about the toxins and all that jazz, but because I think mason jars are super awesome and they make me look like I am cool. So as you can see, I'm clearly struggling with figuring out how to be Me.

Second: There are things I want to do with my life that I don't know if I will be supported to do by my family. That sounds awful. You should know that I have a fantastic family who love me and always join me for a ride through all of my crazy ideas (for instance: I tried being a vegetarian one time. Until I came home after not eating meat for months and polished off the entire ham my Mom left on the counter for everyone elses dinner). They always just stuck by me, maybe rolled their eyes a bit, but regardless, joined me for my rollercoaster ride nonetheless. I digress, I'm concerned my family won't support me leaving a 9-5 job to start teaching a few yoga classes a week. I get where they're coming from, but teaching is what would make me the happiest Me I could be. They would get that....right?

Third: What if I make a mistake? What if I quit my full time job and can't cut it as a teacher? What if I sink money into a home studio and no one shows up? What if I get halfway through my teacher training and decide that teaching yoga isn't for me and that I want the freedom of picking it up and putting it down whenever is convenient for me? What if what if what if.

OK, session done. Replies and comments welcome.


  1. I love your blog. For me it's "real" if that makes sense. I am dying to try the reboot as well but I am so sensitive to how things taste that Im afraid I'll barf my first juice in the sink too. Thanks for sharing by the way LOL

    As for what you want to do...GO FOR IT! Of all the what if's you gave, the one's I would hate the most are the ones that say "what if I don't even try" and "what if I am a success".

    Will you keep experimenting with different juice recipe's and maybe do a juice a day? I'm saving for my juicer now and once I get it it's on! I even applied for a part time job at Whole Foods so I could learn about the different produce options as I begin this journey.

    Remember: GO FOR IT!

  2. Ikia...thank you SO much for the comment!!! I'm glad you find the blog 'real'. I try to keep it real (hahahahah) and I'm pretty much an open book about my life, so I have no issues sharing my embarrassing (puking in the sink) and hopefully inspirational (yoga teacher training) stories with others.

    I love the way you "what if"!!! That's a great way to look at the what ifs in life, and Im going to make a concerted effort to try to look at things in that light as much as possible.

    I'll definitely keep experimenting. I wanted to stick with the reboot recipes as much as possible for our first experience juicing because we really didn't know how to properly balance our diets to make sure we weren't going to be starving and to make sure we were getting the most of the experience. My daughter did come up with a delicious one that she names "Orange Pixeydust", but I'm not sure now what exactly was in it.

    If you are looking for a fairly inexpensive but quality juicer, I would recommend the Jack Lalonde one that we had. I was talking to a friend today that uses a Mr. Juicer and loves it. Good for you for applying for the whole foods position!! Its a great way to get hands on knowledge of the different dietary options out there and to maybe even get a discount!!

    Good luck in your journey and please feel back to stop in and take a read anytime!!!

    Much Love xo
